🔥 Jobs In Women's Health | April 4, 2024

How to Build Your Network Using Conferences, The Business of Women's Health and jobs from Herself Health, Gennev, Maven, Curology, Origin and more!

Hi everyone.

Welcome to our 75 new subscribers this week. We had 126 people registered for Women’s Health Finance 101 today - it was so great to see so many of you there.

I look forward to helping all of you connect, learn and grow your careers in women’s health — and seeing you at an event or on Slack soon.

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Today’s Newsletter brought to you by the newest Menopause company in Women’s Health:

Are hot flashes disrupting your sleep every night? What if I told you there’s a solution that allows you to sleep through them?

Terra detects impending hot flashes with a wristband and automatically provides cooling through a mattress pad.

By preemptively cooling your body, we help you stay asleep through temperature fluctuations at night.

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The 12-Step Plan to Build Your Women’s Health Network Using Conferences

(Even if you can’t go)

Conference season is in full-swing ahead of the summer break. Traditionally, big women’s health and healthcare conferences happen between January and April and then in October & November. We are in full-swing of conference season — but they are expensive and there are so, so many.

I love conferences - they fuel me. I’ve hosted branded events at conferences around the world for top CEO’s and executives at Google, Facebook, X, Apple, Visa, Pepsi and more that have driven over $200M in bottom-line impact.

Conferences are a fantastic way to build relationships, network and sign deals. But they can be expensive and overwhelming, especially when you are new to them.

The reality is though — they are a great way to build your network in women’s health quickly. A shared experience at a conference, a social setting and warm intros allow for relationships to be built much more quickly.

I wanted to write a full article sharing all my knowledge in this space. BUT, I started writing this and it was wayyyy too long.

So, I’m going to hit the highlights here and then lead a webinar to give you more details on each of these steps. This will be a full-on “How-To” workshop with tangible takeaways.

Registration is below. Highlights here.

  1. Know your goals

Define what a successful conference looks like for you. Maybe that’s meeting a specific person, or walking away with a certain number of connections? How are you going to know that your investment had a solid return?

We can help you think through what these might look like.

  1. You don’t always have to pay

This is going to be controversial - but the big secret that conference organizers don’t want you to know is that you don’t always have to pay. Often times you can go to conferences and setup meetings in the hotel lobby or somewhere walkable nearby. While the content is interesting, the true value in most conferences is not what is said on the stage (plus, you can get the highlights of this by following people who went on LinkedIn and the conference itself).

Come learn which conferences you definitely need to pay for, and which ones you can probably do as a hustler.

  1. Have a Plan

A hustler can (usually) find a way to get access to the conference list of who will be there. Use this list to build your contact list of who you want to try to reach out to while you are on the ground. Then integrate this into the conference schedule and the list of social events you hear about.

I’ve found some unique ways to get access to the conference attendee list - you’ll get inside access next week.

  1. Study LinkedIn + Post For Yourself

These days most people who are going to major conferences will post that they will be there. Or they will post about going the year before. Make sure to closely watch LinkedIn for the 2-3 weeks before the event and track who posts about going. This is where following as many industry executives as possible comes in handy. Don’t forget to post yourself that you will be there so people know to be on the lookout too.

I’ll share a list of industry executives you should be following on LinkedIn. Also learn how to write a post-event follow up post that increases reach and builds your network.

5. Reach out anyway

I use conferences to build my network, even if I can’t always make it. The big healthcare and consumer conferences always give you a reason to reach out to those in your network to see if they are going. Even if you “can’t make it at the last minute” it is usually a perfect way to start the conversation.

Looking for templates for this outreach? We’ve got em.

  1. Stay organized

Events can be overwhelming. It’s important to have a way to stay organized while you’re on-site with your schedule, your meetings, your notes and your follow up. Not to mention all of that swag you will pick up. You’ll need a way to stay organized on-site with your meetings and with your follow up afterward.

Want to get some ideas from conference veterans? Join us to learn what works best for them.

  1. Wear swag - Get noticed

Some people will hate this advice but a true hustler is always looking for an opportunity to talk about their brand. Wear swag. Even if it’s just a pin, a lanyard, a t-shirt, or an embroidered vest. If you’re trying to get a job, wear bright colors that bring happiness and are positively memorable. These are great ways to start conversations in the elevator, on the event bus, in an Uber. You never know who you will meet where.

Need some ideas on dress code? Join us next week.

  1. Create a Calendar link

Nothing wastes time like the back-and-forth of trying to schedule time to meet at a conference. Create a time-boxed Calendy (or other calendar app) link that you can easily send to people so they can book their own meeting times with you. Just make sure to also block off in your calendar the key times of content you want to see or other social events you already have scheduled.

Never used Calendy or a calendar app for a conference? We’ll show you how.

  1. Take care of yourself

You will be gone out of your hotel room most of the day. Your battery will likely die in your phone - make sure you have an extra phone charging block or charger. And please, if you are in Vegas (the conference capital of the world) wear flat, comfortable shoes. Your feet will thank you. If your workout keeps you sane, make sure to get that in during the early morning — and although it’s fantastic, sugar will only make you crash so fueling your body with healthy food (and limited alcohol) is key.

Need a list of conference essentials to pack? We’ve got it for you.

10. Prioritize social events

The deepest relationships at conferences come in social settings. Sharing a glass of wine, playing golf, dancing at a club even … all of those shared experiences with like-minded people help you deepen the relationships you have and build your network.

We’ll share more about the kinds of social events to be on the lookout for and who usually hosts them.

  1. Go to the booths (the show floor)

One of the best ways I stay tuned to innovations in the industry is spending at least a few hours walking the show floor at each conference and talking to as many people at the booths as possible. They WANT to talk to you and tell you about their product so use that opportunity to get to know more executives, founders and company team members while they are “stuck” in their booth.

Worried about what to say? We’ll help you with a few scripts.

  1. Follow up

Cement the relationships you build using the steps above with solid follow up. Try to do your follow up each day at the end of the day if possible so you aren’t overwhelmed at the end and the conversations are fresh in your mind.

I’ll share multiple templates that you can use to follow up after a conference and a plan for keeping the conversation going.

In our session next week we will also dive into conferences as introverts, logistics, technology to use, communities to join, where to stay, traveling alone and more.

Register below to join us.

Free for IWH members (See discount code on #general Slack channel canvas). Learn more and Join here use the code IWH20 to save 20% off your first month.

$17 for everyone else.

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Pick One. Your Top Choice. This helps us add value and respect your time.

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Are you interested in learning the business-side of Women’s Health?

Do you want to learn how the money flows between patients, payers and providers? What does a seed, Series-A or Series B company mean? What are the unique challenges marketing women’s health products? What regulatory and privacy things do you need to consider?

Join us for The Business of Women’s Health 101

In this 90-minute FREE webinar, we are going to walk through the key considerations of the business-side of women’s health.

We will only scratch the surface, but this will give you a baseline overview and some context for the key historical, product, marketing, regulatory, finance, operations and talent elements in the industry.

Walk away prepared for interviews — understanding key areas where you want to learn more, resources for each and people to follow across all elements of the business of women’s health.

We expect this to be super-popular so we are going to do three sessions during May. Sign up on our calendar below.

May 13th:

May 16th:

May 21st:

Do you want to get your Women’s Health Mini-MBA?  

I’m putting together the first cohort-based course to go in-depth on the business-side of women’s health, while learning from industry experts, and solving real-life, industry problems in June 2024.

There will only be 25 spots in this 6-week pilot cohort.

NOTE: Enrollment will open in order of when you joined the waitlist so jump in line. No commitment.

How else we can help:

  1. Hiring? Don’t see your roles below? Reply to this email and let me know to connect to your job board or careers page.

  2. Do you need to reach early adopters in women’s health? Do you have a D2C product you want to get in front of qualified buyers?

    • Reach 2,700 passionate women’s health early adopters with product launches, discounts or customer discovery conversations. Click here to learn more or reply to this email.

  3. Don’t want to be alone in your job search?

    • If once a week is not enough, join us in our private slack community where you will have real-time access to opportunities on our job board, access to our talent academy and an opportunity for members-only office hours and events directly with talent teams. Click here to learn more and use the code IWH20 for 20% off your first month.

  4. Need more individualized attention?


HELP! Connections Needed

Our In Women’s Health Community members are looking for connections at the following companies. Please reach out to me directly if you have a connection and would be willing to make an intro.

  • Ro

  • Hello Alpha

  • Oura

  • Progyny

  • Diana

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Now let’s get you a job….

🌎 International Roles

🏫 Internships

🧱 Founders/Co-Founders 

⏰ Freelance/Contract/Fractional Roles

đź’» Product/Engineering/Data & Analytics/IT/Scientist & Design

🔧 Business (Ops/Strategy/Legal/Quality/Regulatory & HR)

 đźŽ© Senior & C-Level Roles

đź’Ą Marketing/Growth/Sales

đź«‚ Customer Success & Care Coordination

✍️ Policy & Non-Profit

Reprojobs.org is a great source. We are BIG FANS!

đź‘Ą Board Roles

Didn’t see any this week that fit but send any along that you see!

🏥 Clinical Roles, Research Roles & In-Clinic Business Roles

